Web sites have been in existence for more than a decade and the idea of web design has changed considerably during the years. In the nineties, you could find web pages with web design as simple as text for its entire body with a graphic or two strewn here and there. Such web design was perfectly […]
One may have to face various obstacles while creating a relevant web design. The designer also has to ensure that it allows the visitors to hold on to the website. Trust Venture International is and Singapore-based Website design and development offer quality that can make your website credible. If you are really looking for ways to […]
Last article we looked at how a custom homebuilder handled my request for an estimate. We learned they don’t have any magic estimating bullet, but can provide a general cost range with planning guidance. We also learned they have trouble servicing potential customers without a budget.This week, let’s look at the different components that affect the […]